She is very active. Sometimes she sticks her big hard head way up in the top of my uterus.
Blessings of Today:
Well, one reason that I have not written for a while is that I was deathly ill the past week, from Monday morning until Friday night. I had aches all over my body. My hips hurt and I couldn't get comfortable on my side. I had the most horrible cough, which racked my body unendingly. I was unable to sleep for 65 hours straight. Every morning I got up and would be able to thermoregulate for a while, but by 3 or 4 my body was no longer maintaining homeostasis...I would go back and forth from chills to being very hot. I couldn't find a comfortable outfit or temperature. I'd try to go to bed when I got home but there was little relief. The fever would break each night around 8 or 9 and my body would flood the bed with sweat. I had to go downstairs for 2 nights so Ryan could sleep.
I took Wednesday off, then Thursday. Mom worked for me Thursday. On Wednesday night I called the nurse and she said Robitussen would be ok, so Ryan got up at 2:30 and went and got me some. But it didn't help at all. I took some the next morning to try to sleep but it still didn't work. Thursday night I called the nurse again, and she called two prescriptions in, but it was too late to go get them. On Friday I decided to go to work because it was better than laying around feeling miserable! So I went to Northfield faculty meeting, then SSEC until 11:30, then back to Northfield. But by the end of the day I was at the end of my rope. I could barely stand, or drive. So I went to Walgreen's, got the prescriptions and took them. One was a tiny cough pill, the other an antibiotic. That night was the first I could sleep again. I won't elaborate on our marital bliss, of course, but for more reasons than sleep it was amazing to be in bed with my husband again!
The next morning we got up and went to LordStock. It was wonderful to be able to sing 5 of our songs, including "Little Trekker", "Psalm 11", and "Pilot Light", even though my voice was shot. After that we went to Justin's house and played "Flick 'Em!", then ate burgers, beans, potato salad, watermelon, grapers, strawberries and desserts, and played "Dune". Ryan was Atreides, I was the Fremen, Justin played an expansion character, and some of Justin's friends played the Guild, the Emperor, and the Harkonnen. Ryan and I formed an alliance and won the game.

Being sick was a blessing because through it the Lord gave me a greater appreciation for some simple things, like being able to sleep, being able to make love, being able to hang out with my son, being able to eat and take care of my body, and being able to work and enjoy it.
Another blessing is that on Monday of this week, "that person" came in to the lawyer's office and handed in the consent. It was not needed, because by KS law she has already been considered "unfit", but it is a relief that now there is no way for the legal adoption to be impeded. She conveyed that she has no interest in contacting us. She only was concerned about not paying past child support, because she would go to jail if caught. Thank the Lord, she has been, and will remain a stranger. This piece of trash and her kin will not be able to harm my family, or interfere with our unity in any way.
Another blessing: yesterday my baby stole my heart when, as I was sitting, watching him run to the schoolbus with his friends, he shouted, "Wait!", veered around, and came back to give me a huge hug, get a kiss and say "I love you". He is still such a baby. I hope he stays that way all his life.