Elora is doing very well, and moving so much. She is typically very active around 9 am, so I am doing the kick counts the Dr. recommended for the third trimester. Last night I was laying on the couch and a big 3-4 in lump kept moving around my abdomen. Ryan got home and could see it too. We thought it was her head, and he kissed her, but who knows, may have been her butt!
Ryan came home a few days ago, talking about how soy was not good for men. I decided to look it up and it sounds like it may be very bad for babies in utero, also! To be safe I'm going to quit the soy protein bars.
My pregnancy brain is very bad. I have forgotten two meetings this week. Thankfully, the Lord has worked out everything! No one is mad at me and has been very understanding.
I'm so excited that Elora may be born in only 7 weeks!!! Dr. C said that about half of her patients who have had a cerclage give birth a day or two after its removal, and the rest wait a while. She also said that they don't usually have to stay in the NICU, only about 15%, but usually there have been other problems.
This weekend is Labor Day Weekend. Tomorrow we will go see Grandma Maxine and Grandpa Bill. Today is Grandma Max's Birthday. Tonight we may go see Grandma Pat.
Prayers and Worries:
-----that you will help our family, Lord, through the busy year ahead.
-----Lord Jesus, that you will help Lee with his attitude. He is getting very mouthy at times and it is bad.
Today I have been very tired. I've eaten some protein bars, beef jerky and a few peanut butter pretzels, and have drank 2 cups of coffee, along with water.
Here is part of Collosians 1, which Ryan and I read this morning. He told me to meditate on it. I really got good from the underlined part in verse 20.
[18] And he is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he may hold the primacy: [19] Because in him, it hath well pleased the Father, that all fullness should dwell; [20]And through him to reconcile all things unto himself, making peace through the blood of his cross, both as to the things that are on earth, and the things that are in heaven.
[21] And you, whereas you were some time alienated and enemies in mind in evil works: [22] Yet now he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unspotted, and blameless before him:
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