I'm trying to decide what Ryan and I should do for our Anniversary. We will be staying at the same hotel we did for our honeymoon, in the same room, which will be awesome! He would like to go to the I-MAX, as he's never been. We both will definitely go to Mass, maybe noon at the Cathedral. I'd like to maybe go to R Coffee House, which we went to on our first date. Lee will probably stay with Ryan's grandparents, Pat and Ed.
My boss at WATC commented to me today in the tutoring lab that I looked like I was positively glowing with my pregnancy, and "you look like someone right out of a magazine!". I answered, "Thanks, but I don't feel like it!", laughing. It sure made me feel better about my bulbous midsection.
I'm craving Coconut Cream Pie from Spears or the Village Inn, but I'm trying to content myself with just the odd dark chocolate now and then. If I bought a Coconut Cream Pie I would end up eating the whole thing in one or two sittings. So far I have done really well at getting lots of protein, fruits and veggies. I have not gained any weight, it has simply converted into baby, it seems. However, I asked Grandma Pat recently if she liked Coconut Cream Pie (because my husband, his mother, his brother, and maybe our son) are convinced coconut is the most noxious substance God created. Turns out Grandma likes Coconut Cream Pie! So I have resolved to get us one to share next time we're over there.
I've also been reading a lot of news bits today, mainly on Marriage, the Planned Parenthood sale of baby body parts, etc. I researched the infamous abortionist Leroy Carhart a little. Apparently he bragged a few years ago that he had killed over 20,000 babies who were 24 weeks or older! But the whole idea of abortion at any age is sickening. Even at conception, there exists a tiny, unique human who just needs time to grow.
More musing later...got to go home and fix dinner for my family!
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