I've been researching placental abruption. There are so many things to worry about during pregnancy. There are so many ways to possibly lose the baby. It seems like all I can do is trust Jesus, so I will. My friend Jerry told me yesterday after Mass, with a big natural smile, "Hannah, you can't worry. Just trust God and His will". He is right.
After Mass yesterday Ryan took us to Sedgwick County Zoo. Although we look like a family of 3, we are a family of 5. One is a Saint in Heaven, and one is relaxing in my internal NICU.
I've been giving my little Lelan Andrew Peter a Folate supplement for 3 days now. It's 1,000 mcg and his pediatrician advised that it may help him pay better attention. In most people, the body can convert folic acid into folate. It then uses the folate to build neurotransmitters in the brain. In some individuals, however, the body is unable to convert the folic acid into folate. Thus, the body has a harder time making neurotransmitters. Poor attention span and hyperactivity can result. We will see if this helps my baby.
On August 16th, our 1-year Anniversary of Holy Matrimony, my lawer is going to file Lelan's adoption paperwork. I was so excited when I met with him a few weeks ago and found out that I could legally give him a second middle name, as I'd dreamed from the time he became my son! I was filling out the paperwork, which was for two parents adopting a baby, and there was a section to change the baby's name. So I asked if I could add a middle name and the answer was yes! But although I'd wished this, I hadn't decided what that name would be. However, the only name that settled in my mind was "Peter", the fisherman Andrew's brother, so that was it.
This is a picture of my little fisherman talking to Fr. Jacques Phillipe when he visited our parish, St. Francis of Assisi:
So all in all, I rejoice in the Lord's goodness. I pray he never gets angry with me as he did with Miriam in the Numbers 12 Mass reading today!
These are a few things I have done for my baby in the past year. This is not of pride, but of overwhelming thankfulness to God for the gift Lelan as my son:
-----gotten him Baptized
-----helped him receive his First Confession and Communion
-----taught him to hang his clothes and brush his teeth
-----taught him to add and subtract
-----helped him become a better reader
-----taught him to pray
-----named him. Ryan named thought of "Lelan" and "Andrew", and I thought of "Peter"
-----taught him to wipe his bottom correctly, lol!
-----taught him to tread water. His record is almost a minute and a half!
-----given him the focus of my time, love, hugs and kisses everyday
I continue to pray that:
-----Lelan will grow into a godly older child, teenager, and man.
-----that he and Elora will be great defenders of the Catholic faith and the Traditional Doctrine of Creation
-----that the whole world will recognize the beauty of the Church's teachings on Marriage and Family
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