Thursday, August 6, 2015

Little Trekker

     I wrote a song this morning called "Little Trekker". It's for Sam. Ryan said we will cover it. It was strange how I wrote it. I usually have written songs over the course of a few weeks, maybe even a few months, but this one was finished in an hour. After I got off the phone with Ryan at 6 am, I couldn't sleep. Elora was kicking like crazy. I just have not been sleeping that well the past few nights, and neither has Ryan. Then the words started coming to me. Just a few phrases. So I started writing them down. The melody came to me with the words.
     I am making a baby book for Lee. There is an awesome sale at Hobby Lobby going on, and I saved 50 dollars on scrapbook material! I didn't know there was a sale until the lady at the register told me. Each page takes a long time, and I've only got 4 or 5 done so far. Lee picked out some little sequins he wanted me to put on. I love him so much.
     Elora is 23 weeks, 5 days along. Time is flying by. At the doctor's appointment yesterday, Dr. Craddock really assuaged my fears about placental issues. She said if anything went wrong they would do a c-section.
     I finally got my coconut cream pie. I got a sugar-free one for grandma Pat and had a piece with her before work. She is still fighting strong. I really want her to be here when Elora ("Little Pat") is born.
     Lee's school preparation is almost done. On Monday or Tuesday we have to get school supplies, and I'll pay for his books and resources. He stayed at Grandma Brenda's and Grandpa Scott's last night. We said goodbye to my brother-in-law, who is moving to Oklahoma City. We pray he finds good Christian fellowship there.
     Tomorrow evening after work, we are heading to Lake of the Ozarks to see Grandma Phyllis. I'm going to take Ryan and Lee to see Bridal Cave, because they have never been in a cave before. I love my husband and my son so much. We're praying that Ryan finds a better job in the future. I would really like to have several kids, but with my cerclages it will make things expensive. I want us to be able to take fun family trips and such also, and not struggle financially.
     This picture was taken shortly before I met Ryan, when I was doing graduate studies on baby egrets. This is a cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis).

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