Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What we did for our 1st Anniversary

     Today Elora's GA is 25 weeks, 3 days.

     Ryan and I had a lovely Anniversary weekend. I'm writing it down so I don't forget. We didn't get any pictures and I don't want to forget anything.

     The evening of the 14th Ryan gave me my gift...a gold mother and child necklace with a diamond! It is gorgeous! I gave him his, which was a game he had asked for..."Stone Age", a really cool work placement game. He also got me the best card ever!

    We didn't get there until after 7 because we had to take care of the pets and pack after we got off work. After we checked in we went up to the 18th floor, and we just sat by the window in the hallway. Looking out on our city was amazing. It ended up that we were in room 1804 instead of our Honeymoon Suite, 1801, as I requested. Something apparently got mixed up. But our room was beautiful. We has south and west views of Wichita.

     When we got there we just laid on the soft bed awhile, then Ryan took me out to my current favorite Restaurant, Applebee's! I had my usual---the pick your own Appetizer plate (3 for $11.99). I got hot boneless chicken, chicken quesadillas, and pot stickers. He got his usual...Mac and Cheese with chicken tenders.

     We went to the 47th St. Applebee's. Afterward we went "home" and went to bed.
     In the morning I treated Ryan to the hotel breakfast buffet...$15.50/person. I had eggs and chicken sausage; he had eggs, bacon, and a waffle, which he said was the best he'd ever had. We had slept in until 9:30, and the buffet ended at 10:30.

     After that, Ryan had a great plan. He took me to the Museum of World Treasures! It was fantastic! When we got there, there was a Farmer's Market going on. My old friend John Corte was playing in the Celtic band, Knocknasheega. We looked at tie-dyed baby clothes, exotic pasta, fresh veggies, and Ryan had kettle corn.

     Then we went in the museum. We spent several hours wandering through the exhibits...dinosaurs, ancient India, Africa, Greece and Rome, Egypt, then up to the 2nd floor for all of the wars. The 3rd floor had some pop culture and sports items. I got Lee an obsidian arrowhead.

     We left there around 3, went to "Wizard's Asylum" to get Ryan's comics from his pull file, grabbed some Pepsis and browsed, etc. Then we went "home" and went swimming. The pool was really cold! We eased ourselves in, and played water volleyball with a beach ball. Then Ryan carried me around, we talked about marriage and parenthood, and he got in the hot tub while I put my feet in.

     After that I took him to one of his favorite's, "B.J's Brewhouse" for dinner. He got chicken alfredo and I tried their appetizer sampler. It was not as good as Applebee's. The items on it were some little chicken/veggie wraps, which were very good, some avacado wraps (which were only ok), some mozzarella sticks (good), and some artichoke/spinach dip with chips (only ok).

     After eating we took our instruments to the Keeper of the Plains and played our music for a few hours (8-10). Some little kids danced, and a few people clapped, but mostly they just listened. It was great! They lit up the fires at 9:00 as usual.

     Then we went "home" and went to bed. In the morning we woke at 9:30, took a shower, made coffee in the weird one-serving coffee-pot (which overflowed because I tried to rig it to make Ryan's beloved Guatemala), went to Starbuck's (Ryan got me some yummy light, vanilla, iced Frappe thing; he got an iced Guatemala pour-over), then went out to Grandma Brenda's and Grandpa Scott's to get Lee, then went to Mass at 1:30. After, we ate at Taco Bell, got Justine 2 mice, and took Lee to see "Minions" for the end of our Anniversary celebration.

     All in all, we loved it and want to stay at "our hotel" again. Ryan got beautiful rest.

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