Elora now has 6 teeth showing. She has been keeping us up all night and it has been trying. She can stand and is starting to take steps along the couch, table, etc. She calls everything she likes "Dada" and says "Mama" when she is mad or sad. :) She is interested in everything and reaches for everything.
Oh...I forgot to write that on our Anniversary, we took all three (four if you count Sam, who is always with us) kids to the hotel. We watched the Olympics, swam in the pool, and went to the Historical Museum instead of the Cosmosphere, etc. It was a great weekend.
So here are the statistics. Baby "Zeb" weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. He will weigh half a pound soon! From his head to his butt he is between 5 1/2 and 6 inches long.
I don't know exactly when I started noticing Braxton-Hicks with Sam and Elora, but last night I became aware of them with Zeb. The right side of my uterus tightened and stuck out. I don't know about other people, but that's how mine are. Especially in the earlier weeks, they might be apparent mainly on one side.
18 weeks | 5.59 inches | 6.70 ounces |
19 weeks | 6.02 inches | 8.47 ounces |
Since I didn't record any good observations with Sam, and not many of Elora's first movements, it is hard to remember. I seem to not feel Zeb move very much, but I think that's how it was for them at this stage, also. Sometimes I feel a small movement when I am lying still, or I'll feel flutters, but nothing very big yet. But I suppose it is hard to make mom feel you when you're the size of a half-pound "Who".
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, please help Zeb grow and be born safely. Thank you.
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