Friday, November 25, 2016

2nd Cerclage

Today is Monday, August 1st, 2016. Baby is 14 weeks, 4 days old. You can see how much baby has grown since week 12:

12 weeks     2.13 inches     0.49 ounce     5.4 cm     14 grams  
13 weeks     2.91 inches     0.81 ounce     7.4 cm     23 grams
14 weeks     3.42 inches     1.52 ounce     8.7 cm     43 grams
15 weeks     3.98 inches     2.47 ounces     10.1 cm     70 grams

Baby is now almost 4 inches (crown-rump). and has put on almost a whole ounce since last week!

On Saturday, July 30th, I had the cerclage. I showed up at 4:45 am. There was nobody at the desk, so I went upstairs. They set me up in one of the little rooms, and one of the nurses who delivered Sam (Lindsey) talked to me about her memories of Sam, Lee, and her deliveries. She was very positive. She had to stick me twice to get an IV in, but I didn't mind. I prayed my Rosary until it was time.

I went in for surgery at 6:45. There were about 8 people in the room, including another nurse who had done Sam's photo shoot (Sarah). A new doctor, Dr. Camacho, did the spinal. It was done expertly! What I remember from last time was being so cold, but this time they covered me in warm blankets as he did the spinal. There was also a good sense of humor in the room. They made jokes about how tough I was for getting induced but not having an epidural. And when he did the spinal I had to ask, "That was it?" because he was so quick and assured, and I didn't feel the extreme pain or pressure I remembered. I had told them initially that last time the woman doctor had to do it twice. Interestingly, that's what happened this time too, but the second time, he did even better than the first!!!

After that I began to get numb and I just lay back with a peaceful smile on my face. I was so, so , so  thankful!!! The bad part was over! I could relax. I prayed the rest of my Rosary with total thanksgiving. The rest of the whole experience didn't faze me at all. Even now, I am still sore in my back and cervix, but don't need any more pain meds. I took all the Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen) already. Yesterday and especially on Saturday I laid around all day and Ryan called me his "doped-up baby".

So after the surgery, I only spent two hours recovering the use of my legs, instead of six like last time. Two nurses kept me company----Sarah and Olivia. Ryan and Elora arrived a little before 9. He had her in a cute dress with a yellow bow, and she was so smiley and wanted to laugh at the nurses and be held by them (also play in bed and be nursed). After we left my butt was still numb and I had a big pad on but I still peed my pants (they put about 2 liters of IV fluid in, and I couldn't feel anything down there yet). Ryan took us to Spangles (Lee was with Brenda and Scott). Elora helped me eat my eggs because I didn't feel hungry. We went out to Brenda's and I laid on the couch all day (from about 2-8). Scott made a great chicken, salad, and potato dinner.

The next day I didn't think I could go to Mass, but I got up and felt great all through it! I only felt sore after when we went to Hardee's with Mom, Pop, and Glo.

Thanks be to God that Kris understands and is supportive of our pregnancy.

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