Friday, December 9, 2016

Getting Ready for some Rest and Relaxation!

Today is Friday, December 9, 2016. It is 3:44 pm.

It is the start of another wonderful weekend with my family. I am home now, sitting at our lovely dining room table, looking out at the cold December skies. I am in my Jedi robe and Elora is in her snuggly pink onesie from Aunt Glo. She is in the process of unpacking my pantry cupboard, and has been enjoying slamming the door. Ryan just got home.

4:59 pm....Lee just got home. Ryan stole my computer to debate atheists on Facebook :) Elora has been enjoying pushing the folding chair around the kitchen! She is determined to walk. I just enjoyed a cup of coffee and learned that today is Kirk Douglas' 100th birthday.

Earlier today I dissected a cat with the 9th graders. We found it on University St near the school. It was a black female and I found a transmitter on the back. After that I did the "Cloud in a 2L" experiment with the 7th graders, and we played phonetic alphabet hangman. Then with the 6th graders I finished the dissection (we had only mostly skinned it) and opened the body cavity. When I opened it I suddenly became worried about toxoplasmosis. I called Dr. Craddock's nurse, who assured me it was not airborne and could only be ingested. So I feel much better.

Zebedee moves all the time and feels like he wants to bust out. I wish I could hold him in my arms. He will be 34 weeks soon (next Wed, I think). The cerclage will be taken out Dec 28th at 9:00 am. We may induce on Samuel's birthday.

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