It is Saturday, December 31st, 2016, 6:53 pm. We are out at Mom and Scott's house with the kids. We have been watching "Walking Dead" (6th season), and "Alaskan Bush People". Elora is getting so good at walking! Several times she has let me hold both her hands and walk her around the house. She will be walking unaided soon! The walker that Grandma Phyllis got her has been a huge help. Yesterday we took the kids to the mall while we turned in my wedding ring for re-soldering. We brought her walker and took off her socks to let her walk in the mall...she loved it! What she hates most is when she anticipates her walker colliding with something, so she was thrilled that there was so much space and so many pretties to look at.
I have been thinking about so much in the last couple of weeks, not the least topic of which is Zeb. I found out a little while ago that they had adjusted his due date. They told us the earliest we could induce would be January 20th, so that is what I scheduled. I will check in at the ER at 5:15 am, and they will start the process at 5:30 am. However, I really don't want to induce. My continual prayer deep in my heart is for Zeb to be born safely and in perfect health. And my continual hope is that the Lord will help him to come on his own. Jesus opened my womb and created Zeb, and I trust him to help Zeb to be born from there and to guide the process, however it happens. I am also praying for a good labor, that will be even better than Elora's.
I have additionally been thinking a lot about positions and exercises that will help my cervix to open. The cerclage was removed at 9 am on the 28th. Ryan and the kids were there but they waited in the waiting room. It was quick and the only part that was a little painful was when he pulled the cerclage out, but that only took about 2 seconds. The whole procedure took maybe 7 or 8 minutes.
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