Today is Sunday, January 12, 2016, 10:45 am.
We went to Vigil Mass at 7 last night. Yesterday was a really fun day. We woke up and took Ryan's car to Tires Plus to get an alignment done. Then we drove my car from there to Quick Trip to get some coffees, and I got Lee and Elora and I donuts. Then Ryan decided he wanted a donut, so I got him a long john at Paradise Donuts. After that we went to Aaron Garner's funeral at SEAS (this is Chloe's 22-year-old brother who committed suicide). Then we went to pick up Ryan's car, went home to put in a load of laundry, and went to Grandpa's house to get a new tire put on Ryan's car. Next Ryan took me on a date...maybe the last before Zeb is born :)
For our date, we walked around Towne East...we went in Helzberg and looked at some really pretty diamond rings, including the Masterpiece collection, which supposedly are perfect diamonds. The man tried to sell us a .38 carat diamond by itself for over 2,000 dollars. They were super pretty but I told Ryan I would rather have a bigger diamond that cost less, over a smaller diamond that was really sparkly.
We window-shopped and talked and had a great time as we worked up an appetite. We looked for a while in Third Planet and I bought Lee a crystal growing kit for Valentine's day. We also got accosted by the Israeli vendors who tried to sell us a small jar of salt and oil for 130 dollars. We sampled it and he tried to convince us it would help Lee's eczema.
While we were walking I experienced some pulling on my cervix. Dear Lord, please help my cervix to get ready day by day for labor. Please help me to be getting dilated!!! I trust in you to be preparing my body to go into labor naturally before the 20th. There are a lot of people praying for me and Zeb.
After the mall we decided to go eat at Genghis Grill. It was our second time...our first had been on the West Side when we were dating. It was fabulous. I got crab, shrimp, Cajun chicken, peas, cabbage, water chestnuts, a whole lot of different spices, and Teriyaki sauce, over fried rice, noodles, and an egg. Ryan got the roasted tomato sauce over his combination. It was great.
After eating we went to get the kids. Grandpa Ed and Ryan went to get some tacos and the kids ate some with Grandpa and Dustin. Elora climbed up and down, up and down the stairs. I ate ice as I have been craving that and strawberries. Ryan and Lee played video games with Dustin, and we decided next weekend we would spend the night over there so we could play video games together.
Next we left for Mass. Elora was really tired and fussy, so I had to take her to the cry room. After Mass we saw Melanie Ternes and her girls Grace and Leah. Then we went through the Braum's drive through...I got Ryan a chocolate frozen yogurt, I got a turtle sundae with pecan pie ice cream, and Lee got a dip of chocolate chip cookie dough. Lastly we went to Family Video and rented the Secret Life of Pets, which we watched part of last night, and the rest this morning.
Right now (11:30) we are listening to Keith Green and Ryan is emptying the dishwasher. Dustin is coming over at 1. I want to bake some chocolate chip cookies today, and do more laundry.
Lord, please take my cervix and uterus in your hands and help me to go into natural and safe labor for Zeb, today or very soon.
Hannah Oster's Adventures
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Saturday, December 31, 2016
New Year's Eve
It is Saturday, December 31st, 2016, 6:53 pm. We are out at Mom and Scott's house with the kids. We have been watching "Walking Dead" (6th season), and "Alaskan Bush People". Elora is getting so good at walking! Several times she has let me hold both her hands and walk her around the house. She will be walking unaided soon! The walker that Grandma Phyllis got her has been a huge help. Yesterday we took the kids to the mall while we turned in my wedding ring for re-soldering. We brought her walker and took off her socks to let her walk in the mall...she loved it! What she hates most is when she anticipates her walker colliding with something, so she was thrilled that there was so much space and so many pretties to look at.
I have been thinking about so much in the last couple of weeks, not the least topic of which is Zeb. I found out a little while ago that they had adjusted his due date. They told us the earliest we could induce would be January 20th, so that is what I scheduled. I will check in at the ER at 5:15 am, and they will start the process at 5:30 am. However, I really don't want to induce. My continual prayer deep in my heart is for Zeb to be born safely and in perfect health. And my continual hope is that the Lord will help him to come on his own. Jesus opened my womb and created Zeb, and I trust him to help Zeb to be born from there and to guide the process, however it happens. I am also praying for a good labor, that will be even better than Elora's.
I have additionally been thinking a lot about positions and exercises that will help my cervix to open. The cerclage was removed at 9 am on the 28th. Ryan and the kids were there but they waited in the waiting room. It was quick and the only part that was a little painful was when he pulled the cerclage out, but that only took about 2 seconds. The whole procedure took maybe 7 or 8 minutes.
I have been thinking about so much in the last couple of weeks, not the least topic of which is Zeb. I found out a little while ago that they had adjusted his due date. They told us the earliest we could induce would be January 20th, so that is what I scheduled. I will check in at the ER at 5:15 am, and they will start the process at 5:30 am. However, I really don't want to induce. My continual prayer deep in my heart is for Zeb to be born safely and in perfect health. And my continual hope is that the Lord will help him to come on his own. Jesus opened my womb and created Zeb, and I trust him to help Zeb to be born from there and to guide the process, however it happens. I am also praying for a good labor, that will be even better than Elora's.
I have additionally been thinking a lot about positions and exercises that will help my cervix to open. The cerclage was removed at 9 am on the 28th. Ryan and the kids were there but they waited in the waiting room. It was quick and the only part that was a little painful was when he pulled the cerclage out, but that only took about 2 seconds. The whole procedure took maybe 7 or 8 minutes.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Getting Ready for some Rest and Relaxation!
Today is Friday, December 9, 2016. It is 3:44 pm.
It is the start of another wonderful weekend with my family. I am home now, sitting at our lovely dining room table, looking out at the cold December skies. I am in my Jedi robe and Elora is in her snuggly pink onesie from Aunt Glo. She is in the process of unpacking my pantry cupboard, and has been enjoying slamming the door. Ryan just got home.
4:59 pm....Lee just got home. Ryan stole my computer to debate atheists on Facebook :) Elora has been enjoying pushing the folding chair around the kitchen! She is determined to walk. I just enjoyed a cup of coffee and learned that today is Kirk Douglas' 100th birthday.
Earlier today I dissected a cat with the 9th graders. We found it on University St near the school. It was a black female and I found a transmitter on the back. After that I did the "Cloud in a 2L" experiment with the 7th graders, and we played phonetic alphabet hangman. Then with the 6th graders I finished the dissection (we had only mostly skinned it) and opened the body cavity. When I opened it I suddenly became worried about toxoplasmosis. I called Dr. Craddock's nurse, who assured me it was not airborne and could only be ingested. So I feel much better.
Zebedee moves all the time and feels like he wants to bust out. I wish I could hold him in my arms. He will be 34 weeks soon (next Wed, I think). The cerclage will be taken out Dec 28th at 9:00 am. We may induce on Samuel's birthday.
It is the start of another wonderful weekend with my family. I am home now, sitting at our lovely dining room table, looking out at the cold December skies. I am in my Jedi robe and Elora is in her snuggly pink onesie from Aunt Glo. She is in the process of unpacking my pantry cupboard, and has been enjoying slamming the door. Ryan just got home.
4:59 pm....Lee just got home. Ryan stole my computer to debate atheists on Facebook :) Elora has been enjoying pushing the folding chair around the kitchen! She is determined to walk. I just enjoyed a cup of coffee and learned that today is Kirk Douglas' 100th birthday.
Earlier today I dissected a cat with the 9th graders. We found it on University St near the school. It was a black female and I found a transmitter on the back. After that I did the "Cloud in a 2L" experiment with the 7th graders, and we played phonetic alphabet hangman. Then with the 6th graders I finished the dissection (we had only mostly skinned it) and opened the body cavity. When I opened it I suddenly became worried about toxoplasmosis. I called Dr. Craddock's nurse, who assured me it was not airborne and could only be ingested. So I feel much better.
Zebedee moves all the time and feels like he wants to bust out. I wish I could hold him in my arms. He will be 34 weeks soon (next Wed, I think). The cerclage will be taken out Dec 28th at 9:00 am. We may induce on Samuel's birthday.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Going on 32 weeks with Zebedee!!!
It is Friday, November 25, 2016, at 2:35 pm.
Elora and I are home in bed. We both have sinus infections. Lee is at the Park City bike track with Ryan.
Elora turned one 2 days ago!!! We celebrated over Thanksgiving at Holden Park, then at Thanksgiving at Grandpa Ed's. So this is how our Thanksgiving went:
I baked 2 pumpkin pie crunches, a small turquoise birthday cake, and a mini cake for Elora. We got to Holden Park at 1, and had a fun time eating, visiting, and watching Elora play with Serenity and Tucker on the floor. Little Nikolas was there also and I got to hold him for the first time. We also trimmed a thorn runner from the stupid tree by Sam's grave.
After that we went to Grandpa Ed's with Mom, Pop, Glo, and Lyd, and Debbie Avenell. We got there at 5, ate, then stripped Elora down to her pants to eat her cake. She was darling. She was not used to being allowed to grab food, and barely touched the frosting. Even when I used a fork to tear into it and give her a bite, she refused to grab more, instead reaching for the fork and yelling at me to give her a bite! But once she realized she was allowed, she had fun! She smooshed that cake like it was play-doh, and fed it to Lee, Grandpa, ma, and Ryan. She wiped it all over her belly and the tablecloth. When she finished crumbling it she picked up the plate and pressed it to her face, getting frosting and cake all over her face and hair! After those festivities we took her to a warm bath Grandpa had drawn for her, and she had a blast splashing and squealing as she was cleaned up.
Today, Ryan and I played Elysium, then the boys left. Elora and I have been watching "Today's Special", "Lamb Chop", etc, while I got the virus protection installed on this computer Ryan got me for my birthday.
Zebedee is doing great...his birth is getting close and everything is pretty much ready for when he comes.
My prayers for today are:
---Thanksgiving for my husband and kids
---that I go into a natural labor
---that Zebedee is born safely and in perfect health
---for our President-Elect, Donald Trump...praise God for his election! Oh Lord, have mercy on us and teach us your ways. Help all Americans choose love, justice, and mercy, and help them choose to walk humbly with you!
Elora and I are home in bed. We both have sinus infections. Lee is at the Park City bike track with Ryan.
Elora turned one 2 days ago!!! We celebrated over Thanksgiving at Holden Park, then at Thanksgiving at Grandpa Ed's. So this is how our Thanksgiving went:
I baked 2 pumpkin pie crunches, a small turquoise birthday cake, and a mini cake for Elora. We got to Holden Park at 1, and had a fun time eating, visiting, and watching Elora play with Serenity and Tucker on the floor. Little Nikolas was there also and I got to hold him for the first time. We also trimmed a thorn runner from the stupid tree by Sam's grave.
After that we went to Grandpa Ed's with Mom, Pop, Glo, and Lyd, and Debbie Avenell. We got there at 5, ate, then stripped Elora down to her pants to eat her cake. She was darling. She was not used to being allowed to grab food, and barely touched the frosting. Even when I used a fork to tear into it and give her a bite, she refused to grab more, instead reaching for the fork and yelling at me to give her a bite! But once she realized she was allowed, she had fun! She smooshed that cake like it was play-doh, and fed it to Lee, Grandpa, ma, and Ryan. She wiped it all over her belly and the tablecloth. When she finished crumbling it she picked up the plate and pressed it to her face, getting frosting and cake all over her face and hair! After those festivities we took her to a warm bath Grandpa had drawn for her, and she had a blast splashing and squealing as she was cleaned up.
Today, Ryan and I played Elysium, then the boys left. Elora and I have been watching "Today's Special", "Lamb Chop", etc, while I got the virus protection installed on this computer Ryan got me for my birthday.
Zebedee is doing great...his birth is getting close and everything is pretty much ready for when he comes.
My prayers for today are:
---Thanksgiving for my husband and kids
---that I go into a natural labor
---that Zebedee is born safely and in perfect health
---for our President-Elect, Donald Trump...praise God for his election! Oh Lord, have mercy on us and teach us your ways. Help all Americans choose love, justice, and mercy, and help them choose to walk humbly with you!
18 Weeks Along...Almost Half Way There
Today is Thursday, August 25, 1016. Baby in the womb is 18 weeks along. Elora turned 9 months old on the 23rd. She is crawling on the bed, trying to reach the computer keys. She was taking a sound nap but she woke up when she heard me typing. :)Now she is starting to throw a fit because I won't let her type!
Elora now has 6 teeth showing. She has been keeping us up all night and it has been trying. She can stand and is starting to take steps along the couch, table, etc. She calls everything she likes "Dada" and says "Mama" when she is mad or sad. :) She is interested in everything and reaches for everything.
Oh...I forgot to write that on our Anniversary, we took all three (four if you count Sam, who is always with us) kids to the hotel. We watched the Olympics, swam in the pool, and went to the Historical Museum instead of the Cosmosphere, etc. It was a great weekend.
So here are the statistics. Baby "Zeb" weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. He will weigh half a pound soon! From his head to his butt he is between 5 1/2 and 6 inches long.
I don't know exactly when I started noticing Braxton-Hicks with Sam and Elora, but last night I became aware of them with Zeb. The right side of my uterus tightened and stuck out. I don't know about other people, but that's how mine are. Especially in the earlier weeks, they might be apparent mainly on one side.
Since I didn't record any good observations with Sam, and not many of Elora's first movements, it is hard to remember. I seem to not feel Zeb move very much, but I think that's how it was for them at this stage, also. Sometimes I feel a small movement when I am lying still, or I'll feel flutters, but nothing very big yet. But I suppose it is hard to make mom feel you when you're the size of a half-pound "Who".
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, please help Zeb grow and be born safely. Thank you.
Elora now has 6 teeth showing. She has been keeping us up all night and it has been trying. She can stand and is starting to take steps along the couch, table, etc. She calls everything she likes "Dada" and says "Mama" when she is mad or sad. :) She is interested in everything and reaches for everything.
Oh...I forgot to write that on our Anniversary, we took all three (four if you count Sam, who is always with us) kids to the hotel. We watched the Olympics, swam in the pool, and went to the Historical Museum instead of the Cosmosphere, etc. It was a great weekend.
So here are the statistics. Baby "Zeb" weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. He will weigh half a pound soon! From his head to his butt he is between 5 1/2 and 6 inches long.
I don't know exactly when I started noticing Braxton-Hicks with Sam and Elora, but last night I became aware of them with Zeb. The right side of my uterus tightened and stuck out. I don't know about other people, but that's how mine are. Especially in the earlier weeks, they might be apparent mainly on one side.
18 weeks | 5.59 inches | 6.70 ounces |
19 weeks | 6.02 inches | 8.47 ounces |
Since I didn't record any good observations with Sam, and not many of Elora's first movements, it is hard to remember. I seem to not feel Zeb move very much, but I think that's how it was for them at this stage, also. Sometimes I feel a small movement when I am lying still, or I'll feel flutters, but nothing very big yet. But I suppose it is hard to make mom feel you when you're the size of a half-pound "Who".
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, please help Zeb grow and be born safely. Thank you.
Almost 16 weeks
Today is August 8, 2016. It is Monday, 3:26 pm. Today baby is 15 weeks, 4 days GA!
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
16 weeks 4.57 inches 3.53 ounces 11.6 cm 100 grams
So, this week, sweet little baby one will weigh almost 1/3 lb, and from the top of his sweet little head to his little bottom, he will be 4 1/2 in long!!
I am at Grove. It is dead like always. I just walked to D Building and found where the drinking fountains were. I also got some phone reception over there, so I called to make an appointment with Dr. Craddock for our first prenatal visit. I am excited!
I feel sooooo much better since last week! The pain is all gone from the cerclage. Ryan and I did our thing on Thursday for the first time since the cerclage, and it was totally amazing! We also did it twice on Saturday, teehee :) He said that he can feel the stitch like he did with Elora, but he didn't complain. I love him so very much.
I made some chocolate chip cookies this morning and spent time with the kids. They are at Mom and Pop's and Ryan just got off work, so he is heading there. Pop wanted to take Lee to Suicide Squad, but I said no. It looks too adult.
I am also getting excited for our Anniversary weekend this weekend! We will be on the 18th floor again, I believe the lady said #1818. On Friday and Saturday night Lee will stay with Grandma Brenda, but Elora will go with us because she is still a boob-child. Boy, she is going to love that big King bed with the soft pillows!
The restaurants I want to go to are Applebee's, B.J's, TGI Friday's, and maybe Old Chicago for the macaroni. Of course, we probably won't get to go to all of those, but if we get to hit a couple it will be awesome!
On either Friday evening or Saturday evening we will go to the Indian Center to see a new (free) exhibit they have. Ryan is so sweet, caring, and enthusiastic...when I suggested it he was all for it. Whenever I suggest something I really want to do he is enthusiastic. It is how I know how much he cares for me.
On Saturday morning we will probably have the buffet breakfast at Harvest. Then we will head to Coronado Heights and Salina Zoo. In the evening we may take the baby swimming in the hotel pool...she loves swimming!
Here are some updates from this week:
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
16 weeks 4.57 inches 3.53 ounces 11.6 cm 100 grams
So, this week, sweet little baby one will weigh almost 1/3 lb, and from the top of his sweet little head to his little bottom, he will be 4 1/2 in long!!
I am at Grove. It is dead like always. I just walked to D Building and found where the drinking fountains were. I also got some phone reception over there, so I called to make an appointment with Dr. Craddock for our first prenatal visit. I am excited!
I feel sooooo much better since last week! The pain is all gone from the cerclage. Ryan and I did our thing on Thursday for the first time since the cerclage, and it was totally amazing! We also did it twice on Saturday, teehee :) He said that he can feel the stitch like he did with Elora, but he didn't complain. I love him so very much.
I made some chocolate chip cookies this morning and spent time with the kids. They are at Mom and Pop's and Ryan just got off work, so he is heading there. Pop wanted to take Lee to Suicide Squad, but I said no. It looks too adult.
I am also getting excited for our Anniversary weekend this weekend! We will be on the 18th floor again, I believe the lady said #1818. On Friday and Saturday night Lee will stay with Grandma Brenda, but Elora will go with us because she is still a boob-child. Boy, she is going to love that big King bed with the soft pillows!
The restaurants I want to go to are Applebee's, B.J's, TGI Friday's, and maybe Old Chicago for the macaroni. Of course, we probably won't get to go to all of those, but if we get to hit a couple it will be awesome!
On either Friday evening or Saturday evening we will go to the Indian Center to see a new (free) exhibit they have. Ryan is so sweet, caring, and enthusiastic...when I suggested it he was all for it. Whenever I suggest something I really want to do he is enthusiastic. It is how I know how much he cares for me.
On Saturday morning we will probably have the buffet breakfast at Harvest. Then we will head to Coronado Heights and Salina Zoo. In the evening we may take the baby swimming in the hotel pool...she loves swimming!
Here are some updates from this week:

Blood vessels: Your baby's circulatory system is now working; her heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day.
Head: Your baby's head is more erect now. Her scalp pattern is starting to develop although her hair hasn't started growing in yet.
Toe: Your baby has started growing toenails.
Falling Asleep at Grove Campus
Today the baby is 14 weeks, 5 days old (i.e. gestational age. embryonic age is about 12 weeks, 5 days).
I am still hurting today in my back and cervix.

Here is a picture of the location of the ovaries relative to the pelvis. Here are more pictures of the parts of the human pelvis:

Here are the vertebrae, especially the lumbar. I was told that L4-L5 did not work for me. They then did the spinal at L3-L4, which worked:

I am still hurting today in my back and cervix.

Here is a picture of the location of the ovaries relative to the pelvis. Here are more pictures of the parts of the human pelvis:

Here are the vertebrae, especially the lumbar. I was told that L4-L5 did not work for me. They then did the spinal at L3-L4, which worked:

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