It is Saturday, December 31st, 2016, 6:53 pm. We are out at Mom and Scott's house with the kids. We have been watching "Walking Dead" (6th season), and "Alaskan Bush People". Elora is getting so good at walking! Several times she has let me hold both her hands and walk her around the house. She will be walking unaided soon! The walker that Grandma Phyllis got her has been a huge help. Yesterday we took the kids to the mall while we turned in my wedding ring for re-soldering. We brought her walker and took off her socks to let her walk in the mall...she loved it! What she hates most is when she anticipates her walker colliding with something, so she was thrilled that there was so much space and so many pretties to look at.
I have been thinking about so much in the last couple of weeks, not the least topic of which is Zeb. I found out a little while ago that they had adjusted his due date. They told us the earliest we could induce would be January 20th, so that is what I scheduled. I will check in at the ER at 5:15 am, and they will start the process at 5:30 am. However, I really don't want to induce. My continual prayer deep in my heart is for Zeb to be born safely and in perfect health. And my continual hope is that the Lord will help him to come on his own. Jesus opened my womb and created Zeb, and I trust him to help Zeb to be born from there and to guide the process, however it happens. I am also praying for a good labor, that will be even better than Elora's.
I have additionally been thinking a lot about positions and exercises that will help my cervix to open. The cerclage was removed at 9 am on the 28th. Ryan and the kids were there but they waited in the waiting room. It was quick and the only part that was a little painful was when he pulled the cerclage out, but that only took about 2 seconds. The whole procedure took maybe 7 or 8 minutes.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Getting Ready for some Rest and Relaxation!
Today is Friday, December 9, 2016. It is 3:44 pm.
It is the start of another wonderful weekend with my family. I am home now, sitting at our lovely dining room table, looking out at the cold December skies. I am in my Jedi robe and Elora is in her snuggly pink onesie from Aunt Glo. She is in the process of unpacking my pantry cupboard, and has been enjoying slamming the door. Ryan just got home.
4:59 pm....Lee just got home. Ryan stole my computer to debate atheists on Facebook :) Elora has been enjoying pushing the folding chair around the kitchen! She is determined to walk. I just enjoyed a cup of coffee and learned that today is Kirk Douglas' 100th birthday.
Earlier today I dissected a cat with the 9th graders. We found it on University St near the school. It was a black female and I found a transmitter on the back. After that I did the "Cloud in a 2L" experiment with the 7th graders, and we played phonetic alphabet hangman. Then with the 6th graders I finished the dissection (we had only mostly skinned it) and opened the body cavity. When I opened it I suddenly became worried about toxoplasmosis. I called Dr. Craddock's nurse, who assured me it was not airborne and could only be ingested. So I feel much better.
Zebedee moves all the time and feels like he wants to bust out. I wish I could hold him in my arms. He will be 34 weeks soon (next Wed, I think). The cerclage will be taken out Dec 28th at 9:00 am. We may induce on Samuel's birthday.
It is the start of another wonderful weekend with my family. I am home now, sitting at our lovely dining room table, looking out at the cold December skies. I am in my Jedi robe and Elora is in her snuggly pink onesie from Aunt Glo. She is in the process of unpacking my pantry cupboard, and has been enjoying slamming the door. Ryan just got home.
4:59 pm....Lee just got home. Ryan stole my computer to debate atheists on Facebook :) Elora has been enjoying pushing the folding chair around the kitchen! She is determined to walk. I just enjoyed a cup of coffee and learned that today is Kirk Douglas' 100th birthday.
Earlier today I dissected a cat with the 9th graders. We found it on University St near the school. It was a black female and I found a transmitter on the back. After that I did the "Cloud in a 2L" experiment with the 7th graders, and we played phonetic alphabet hangman. Then with the 6th graders I finished the dissection (we had only mostly skinned it) and opened the body cavity. When I opened it I suddenly became worried about toxoplasmosis. I called Dr. Craddock's nurse, who assured me it was not airborne and could only be ingested. So I feel much better.
Zebedee moves all the time and feels like he wants to bust out. I wish I could hold him in my arms. He will be 34 weeks soon (next Wed, I think). The cerclage will be taken out Dec 28th at 9:00 am. We may induce on Samuel's birthday.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Going on 32 weeks with Zebedee!!!
It is Friday, November 25, 2016, at 2:35 pm.
Elora and I are home in bed. We both have sinus infections. Lee is at the Park City bike track with Ryan.
Elora turned one 2 days ago!!! We celebrated over Thanksgiving at Holden Park, then at Thanksgiving at Grandpa Ed's. So this is how our Thanksgiving went:
I baked 2 pumpkin pie crunches, a small turquoise birthday cake, and a mini cake for Elora. We got to Holden Park at 1, and had a fun time eating, visiting, and watching Elora play with Serenity and Tucker on the floor. Little Nikolas was there also and I got to hold him for the first time. We also trimmed a thorn runner from the stupid tree by Sam's grave.
After that we went to Grandpa Ed's with Mom, Pop, Glo, and Lyd, and Debbie Avenell. We got there at 5, ate, then stripped Elora down to her pants to eat her cake. She was darling. She was not used to being allowed to grab food, and barely touched the frosting. Even when I used a fork to tear into it and give her a bite, she refused to grab more, instead reaching for the fork and yelling at me to give her a bite! But once she realized she was allowed, she had fun! She smooshed that cake like it was play-doh, and fed it to Lee, Grandpa, ma, and Ryan. She wiped it all over her belly and the tablecloth. When she finished crumbling it she picked up the plate and pressed it to her face, getting frosting and cake all over her face and hair! After those festivities we took her to a warm bath Grandpa had drawn for her, and she had a blast splashing and squealing as she was cleaned up.
Today, Ryan and I played Elysium, then the boys left. Elora and I have been watching "Today's Special", "Lamb Chop", etc, while I got the virus protection installed on this computer Ryan got me for my birthday.
Zebedee is doing great...his birth is getting close and everything is pretty much ready for when he comes.
My prayers for today are:
---Thanksgiving for my husband and kids
---that I go into a natural labor
---that Zebedee is born safely and in perfect health
---for our President-Elect, Donald Trump...praise God for his election! Oh Lord, have mercy on us and teach us your ways. Help all Americans choose love, justice, and mercy, and help them choose to walk humbly with you!
Elora and I are home in bed. We both have sinus infections. Lee is at the Park City bike track with Ryan.
Elora turned one 2 days ago!!! We celebrated over Thanksgiving at Holden Park, then at Thanksgiving at Grandpa Ed's. So this is how our Thanksgiving went:
I baked 2 pumpkin pie crunches, a small turquoise birthday cake, and a mini cake for Elora. We got to Holden Park at 1, and had a fun time eating, visiting, and watching Elora play with Serenity and Tucker on the floor. Little Nikolas was there also and I got to hold him for the first time. We also trimmed a thorn runner from the stupid tree by Sam's grave.
After that we went to Grandpa Ed's with Mom, Pop, Glo, and Lyd, and Debbie Avenell. We got there at 5, ate, then stripped Elora down to her pants to eat her cake. She was darling. She was not used to being allowed to grab food, and barely touched the frosting. Even when I used a fork to tear into it and give her a bite, she refused to grab more, instead reaching for the fork and yelling at me to give her a bite! But once she realized she was allowed, she had fun! She smooshed that cake like it was play-doh, and fed it to Lee, Grandpa, ma, and Ryan. She wiped it all over her belly and the tablecloth. When she finished crumbling it she picked up the plate and pressed it to her face, getting frosting and cake all over her face and hair! After those festivities we took her to a warm bath Grandpa had drawn for her, and she had a blast splashing and squealing as she was cleaned up.
Today, Ryan and I played Elysium, then the boys left. Elora and I have been watching "Today's Special", "Lamb Chop", etc, while I got the virus protection installed on this computer Ryan got me for my birthday.
Zebedee is doing great...his birth is getting close and everything is pretty much ready for when he comes.
My prayers for today are:
---Thanksgiving for my husband and kids
---that I go into a natural labor
---that Zebedee is born safely and in perfect health
---for our President-Elect, Donald Trump...praise God for his election! Oh Lord, have mercy on us and teach us your ways. Help all Americans choose love, justice, and mercy, and help them choose to walk humbly with you!
18 Weeks Along...Almost Half Way There
Today is Thursday, August 25, 1016. Baby in the womb is 18 weeks along. Elora turned 9 months old on the 23rd. She is crawling on the bed, trying to reach the computer keys. She was taking a sound nap but she woke up when she heard me typing. :)Now she is starting to throw a fit because I won't let her type!
Elora now has 6 teeth showing. She has been keeping us up all night and it has been trying. She can stand and is starting to take steps along the couch, table, etc. She calls everything she likes "Dada" and says "Mama" when she is mad or sad. :) She is interested in everything and reaches for everything.
Oh...I forgot to write that on our Anniversary, we took all three (four if you count Sam, who is always with us) kids to the hotel. We watched the Olympics, swam in the pool, and went to the Historical Museum instead of the Cosmosphere, etc. It was a great weekend.
So here are the statistics. Baby "Zeb" weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. He will weigh half a pound soon! From his head to his butt he is between 5 1/2 and 6 inches long.
I don't know exactly when I started noticing Braxton-Hicks with Sam and Elora, but last night I became aware of them with Zeb. The right side of my uterus tightened and stuck out. I don't know about other people, but that's how mine are. Especially in the earlier weeks, they might be apparent mainly on one side.
Since I didn't record any good observations with Sam, and not many of Elora's first movements, it is hard to remember. I seem to not feel Zeb move very much, but I think that's how it was for them at this stage, also. Sometimes I feel a small movement when I am lying still, or I'll feel flutters, but nothing very big yet. But I suppose it is hard to make mom feel you when you're the size of a half-pound "Who".
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, please help Zeb grow and be born safely. Thank you.
Elora now has 6 teeth showing. She has been keeping us up all night and it has been trying. She can stand and is starting to take steps along the couch, table, etc. She calls everything she likes "Dada" and says "Mama" when she is mad or sad. :) She is interested in everything and reaches for everything.
Oh...I forgot to write that on our Anniversary, we took all three (four if you count Sam, who is always with us) kids to the hotel. We watched the Olympics, swam in the pool, and went to the Historical Museum instead of the Cosmosphere, etc. It was a great weekend.
So here are the statistics. Baby "Zeb" weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. He will weigh half a pound soon! From his head to his butt he is between 5 1/2 and 6 inches long.
I don't know exactly when I started noticing Braxton-Hicks with Sam and Elora, but last night I became aware of them with Zeb. The right side of my uterus tightened and stuck out. I don't know about other people, but that's how mine are. Especially in the earlier weeks, they might be apparent mainly on one side.
18 weeks | 5.59 inches | 6.70 ounces |
19 weeks | 6.02 inches | 8.47 ounces |
Since I didn't record any good observations with Sam, and not many of Elora's first movements, it is hard to remember. I seem to not feel Zeb move very much, but I think that's how it was for them at this stage, also. Sometimes I feel a small movement when I am lying still, or I'll feel flutters, but nothing very big yet. But I suppose it is hard to make mom feel you when you're the size of a half-pound "Who".
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, please help Zeb grow and be born safely. Thank you.
Almost 16 weeks
Today is August 8, 2016. It is Monday, 3:26 pm. Today baby is 15 weeks, 4 days GA!
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
16 weeks 4.57 inches 3.53 ounces 11.6 cm 100 grams
So, this week, sweet little baby one will weigh almost 1/3 lb, and from the top of his sweet little head to his little bottom, he will be 4 1/2 in long!!
I am at Grove. It is dead like always. I just walked to D Building and found where the drinking fountains were. I also got some phone reception over there, so I called to make an appointment with Dr. Craddock for our first prenatal visit. I am excited!
I feel sooooo much better since last week! The pain is all gone from the cerclage. Ryan and I did our thing on Thursday for the first time since the cerclage, and it was totally amazing! We also did it twice on Saturday, teehee :) He said that he can feel the stitch like he did with Elora, but he didn't complain. I love him so very much.
I made some chocolate chip cookies this morning and spent time with the kids. They are at Mom and Pop's and Ryan just got off work, so he is heading there. Pop wanted to take Lee to Suicide Squad, but I said no. It looks too adult.
I am also getting excited for our Anniversary weekend this weekend! We will be on the 18th floor again, I believe the lady said #1818. On Friday and Saturday night Lee will stay with Grandma Brenda, but Elora will go with us because she is still a boob-child. Boy, she is going to love that big King bed with the soft pillows!
The restaurants I want to go to are Applebee's, B.J's, TGI Friday's, and maybe Old Chicago for the macaroni. Of course, we probably won't get to go to all of those, but if we get to hit a couple it will be awesome!
On either Friday evening or Saturday evening we will go to the Indian Center to see a new (free) exhibit they have. Ryan is so sweet, caring, and enthusiastic...when I suggested it he was all for it. Whenever I suggest something I really want to do he is enthusiastic. It is how I know how much he cares for me.
On Saturday morning we will probably have the buffet breakfast at Harvest. Then we will head to Coronado Heights and Salina Zoo. In the evening we may take the baby swimming in the hotel pool...she loves swimming!
Here are some updates from this week:
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
16 weeks 4.57 inches 3.53 ounces 11.6 cm 100 grams
So, this week, sweet little baby one will weigh almost 1/3 lb, and from the top of his sweet little head to his little bottom, he will be 4 1/2 in long!!
I am at Grove. It is dead like always. I just walked to D Building and found where the drinking fountains were. I also got some phone reception over there, so I called to make an appointment with Dr. Craddock for our first prenatal visit. I am excited!
I feel sooooo much better since last week! The pain is all gone from the cerclage. Ryan and I did our thing on Thursday for the first time since the cerclage, and it was totally amazing! We also did it twice on Saturday, teehee :) He said that he can feel the stitch like he did with Elora, but he didn't complain. I love him so very much.
I made some chocolate chip cookies this morning and spent time with the kids. They are at Mom and Pop's and Ryan just got off work, so he is heading there. Pop wanted to take Lee to Suicide Squad, but I said no. It looks too adult.
I am also getting excited for our Anniversary weekend this weekend! We will be on the 18th floor again, I believe the lady said #1818. On Friday and Saturday night Lee will stay with Grandma Brenda, but Elora will go with us because she is still a boob-child. Boy, she is going to love that big King bed with the soft pillows!
The restaurants I want to go to are Applebee's, B.J's, TGI Friday's, and maybe Old Chicago for the macaroni. Of course, we probably won't get to go to all of those, but if we get to hit a couple it will be awesome!
On either Friday evening or Saturday evening we will go to the Indian Center to see a new (free) exhibit they have. Ryan is so sweet, caring, and enthusiastic...when I suggested it he was all for it. Whenever I suggest something I really want to do he is enthusiastic. It is how I know how much he cares for me.
On Saturday morning we will probably have the buffet breakfast at Harvest. Then we will head to Coronado Heights and Salina Zoo. In the evening we may take the baby swimming in the hotel pool...she loves swimming!
Here are some updates from this week:

Blood vessels: Your baby's circulatory system is now working; her heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day.
Head: Your baby's head is more erect now. Her scalp pattern is starting to develop although her hair hasn't started growing in yet.
Toe: Your baby has started growing toenails.
Falling Asleep at Grove Campus
Today the baby is 14 weeks, 5 days old (i.e. gestational age. embryonic age is about 12 weeks, 5 days).
I am still hurting today in my back and cervix.

Here is a picture of the location of the ovaries relative to the pelvis. Here are more pictures of the parts of the human pelvis:

Here are the vertebrae, especially the lumbar. I was told that L4-L5 did not work for me. They then did the spinal at L3-L4, which worked:

I am still hurting today in my back and cervix.

Here is a picture of the location of the ovaries relative to the pelvis. Here are more pictures of the parts of the human pelvis:

Here are the vertebrae, especially the lumbar. I was told that L4-L5 did not work for me. They then did the spinal at L3-L4, which worked:

2nd Cerclage
Today is Monday, August 1st, 2016. Baby is 14 weeks, 4 days old. You can see how much baby has grown since week 12:
12 weeks 2.13 inches 0.49 ounce 5.4 cm 14 grams
13 weeks 2.91 inches 0.81 ounce 7.4 cm 23 grams
14 weeks 3.42 inches 1.52 ounce 8.7 cm 43 grams
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
Baby is now almost 4 inches (crown-rump). and has put on almost a whole ounce since last week!
On Saturday, July 30th, I had the cerclage. I showed up at 4:45 am. There was nobody at the desk, so I went upstairs. They set me up in one of the little rooms, and one of the nurses who delivered Sam (Lindsey) talked to me about her memories of Sam, Lee, and her deliveries. She was very positive. She had to stick me twice to get an IV in, but I didn't mind. I prayed my Rosary until it was time.
I went in for surgery at 6:45. There were about 8 people in the room, including another nurse who had done Sam's photo shoot (Sarah). A new doctor, Dr. Camacho, did the spinal. It was done expertly! What I remember from last time was being so cold, but this time they covered me in warm blankets as he did the spinal. There was also a good sense of humor in the room. They made jokes about how tough I was for getting induced but not having an epidural. And when he did the spinal I had to ask, "That was it?" because he was so quick and assured, and I didn't feel the extreme pain or pressure I remembered. I had told them initially that last time the woman doctor had to do it twice. Interestingly, that's what happened this time too, but the second time, he did even better than the first!!!
After that I began to get numb and I just lay back with a peaceful smile on my face. I was so, so , so thankful!!! The bad part was over! I could relax. I prayed the rest of my Rosary with total thanksgiving. The rest of the whole experience didn't faze me at all. Even now, I am still sore in my back and cervix, but don't need any more pain meds. I took all the Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen) already. Yesterday and especially on Saturday I laid around all day and Ryan called me his "doped-up baby".
So after the surgery, I only spent two hours recovering the use of my legs, instead of six like last time. Two nurses kept me company----Sarah and Olivia. Ryan and Elora arrived a little before 9. He had her in a cute dress with a yellow bow, and she was so smiley and wanted to laugh at the nurses and be held by them (also play in bed and be nursed). After we left my butt was still numb and I had a big pad on but I still peed my pants (they put about 2 liters of IV fluid in, and I couldn't feel anything down there yet). Ryan took us to Spangles (Lee was with Brenda and Scott). Elora helped me eat my eggs because I didn't feel hungry. We went out to Brenda's and I laid on the couch all day (from about 2-8). Scott made a great chicken, salad, and potato dinner.
The next day I didn't think I could go to Mass, but I got up and felt great all through it! I only felt sore after when we went to Hardee's with Mom, Pop, and Glo.
Thanks be to God that Kris understands and is supportive of our pregnancy.
12 weeks 2.13 inches 0.49 ounce 5.4 cm 14 grams
13 weeks 2.91 inches 0.81 ounce 7.4 cm 23 grams
14 weeks 3.42 inches 1.52 ounce 8.7 cm 43 grams
15 weeks 3.98 inches 2.47 ounces 10.1 cm 70 grams
Baby is now almost 4 inches (crown-rump). and has put on almost a whole ounce since last week!
On Saturday, July 30th, I had the cerclage. I showed up at 4:45 am. There was nobody at the desk, so I went upstairs. They set me up in one of the little rooms, and one of the nurses who delivered Sam (Lindsey) talked to me about her memories of Sam, Lee, and her deliveries. She was very positive. She had to stick me twice to get an IV in, but I didn't mind. I prayed my Rosary until it was time.
I went in for surgery at 6:45. There were about 8 people in the room, including another nurse who had done Sam's photo shoot (Sarah). A new doctor, Dr. Camacho, did the spinal. It was done expertly! What I remember from last time was being so cold, but this time they covered me in warm blankets as he did the spinal. There was also a good sense of humor in the room. They made jokes about how tough I was for getting induced but not having an epidural. And when he did the spinal I had to ask, "That was it?" because he was so quick and assured, and I didn't feel the extreme pain or pressure I remembered. I had told them initially that last time the woman doctor had to do it twice. Interestingly, that's what happened this time too, but the second time, he did even better than the first!!!
After that I began to get numb and I just lay back with a peaceful smile on my face. I was so, so , so thankful!!! The bad part was over! I could relax. I prayed the rest of my Rosary with total thanksgiving. The rest of the whole experience didn't faze me at all. Even now, I am still sore in my back and cervix, but don't need any more pain meds. I took all the Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen) already. Yesterday and especially on Saturday I laid around all day and Ryan called me his "doped-up baby".
So after the surgery, I only spent two hours recovering the use of my legs, instead of six like last time. Two nurses kept me company----Sarah and Olivia. Ryan and Elora arrived a little before 9. He had her in a cute dress with a yellow bow, and she was so smiley and wanted to laugh at the nurses and be held by them (also play in bed and be nursed). After we left my butt was still numb and I had a big pad on but I still peed my pants (they put about 2 liters of IV fluid in, and I couldn't feel anything down there yet). Ryan took us to Spangles (Lee was with Brenda and Scott). Elora helped me eat my eggs because I didn't feel hungry. We went out to Brenda's and I laid on the couch all day (from about 2-8). Scott made a great chicken, salad, and potato dinner.
The next day I didn't think I could go to Mass, but I got up and felt great all through it! I only felt sore after when we went to Hardee's with Mom, Pop, and Glo.
Thanks be to God that Kris understands and is supportive of our pregnancy.
Another Concern---Subchorionic Hemorrhage
Today is Thursday, July 28, 2016. Baby (Zebedee??) is 14 weeks today!
When I went for my first appointment with Dr. Wolfe on Tuesday, I weighed 129 lbs!! That is awesome (when I started with Elora and Sam, I weighed 138 both times)! Breastfeeding is the best weight loss technique ever!
On that health note, it is interesting that right before I found out I was pregnant again, I was commenting to Ryan that my stretch marks from Elora are hardly visible, and my linea nigra has begun to fade. Here we go again!
So, baby looked great at the appointment. However, that morning at 5 am I had woken up for some reason. Suddenly I felt fluid passing vaginally. At first I thought that maybe I was leaking some urine, but it kept coming in small amounts (like a period flow). I had a towel between my legs, so I went to the bathroom, and when I saw it was bright red blood I was a little nervous (however, I bled one time with Elora, so I was not too nervous). But then when I felt something like a ball popping out of my vagina I freaked out for a second (please not my membranes coming through!) until it came loose in my hand and I saw it was a blood clot about the size of a cherry tomato. After that the bleeding stopped. At the appointment I told them this and they could see that I had a subchorionic hemorrhage. It is bleeding between the uterine wall and the chorionic membrane. I asked if it was a danger to the baby or if it could cause placental abruption, and the nurse and resident doctor said, "No, it is normal. Many women have one." However, this article says differently:
But this is more positive:
Here are the stats for this week:
You can see how baby is growing exponentially:
On other notes, I did have what I think was round ligament pain in both sides of my abdomen when I got out of bed suddenly, and my leukorrhea has dissipated.
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, St. Gerard and St. Samuel, please pray that the baby will be kept safe and born safely!
When I went for my first appointment with Dr. Wolfe on Tuesday, I weighed 129 lbs!! That is awesome (when I started with Elora and Sam, I weighed 138 both times)! Breastfeeding is the best weight loss technique ever!
On that health note, it is interesting that right before I found out I was pregnant again, I was commenting to Ryan that my stretch marks from Elora are hardly visible, and my linea nigra has begun to fade. Here we go again!
So, baby looked great at the appointment. However, that morning at 5 am I had woken up for some reason. Suddenly I felt fluid passing vaginally. At first I thought that maybe I was leaking some urine, but it kept coming in small amounts (like a period flow). I had a towel between my legs, so I went to the bathroom, and when I saw it was bright red blood I was a little nervous (however, I bled one time with Elora, so I was not too nervous). But then when I felt something like a ball popping out of my vagina I freaked out for a second (please not my membranes coming through!) until it came loose in my hand and I saw it was a blood clot about the size of a cherry tomato. After that the bleeding stopped. At the appointment I told them this and they could see that I had a subchorionic hemorrhage. It is bleeding between the uterine wall and the chorionic membrane. I asked if it was a danger to the baby or if it could cause placental abruption, and the nurse and resident doctor said, "No, it is normal. Many women have one." However, this article says differently:
But this is more positive:
Here are the stats for this week:
Pregnancy week | Length (inches) | Weight (ounces) | Length (cm) | Mass (g) |
14 weeks | 3.42 inches | 1.52 ounce | 8.7 cm | 43 grams |
You can see how baby is growing exponentially:
Pregnancy week | Length (inches) | Weight (ounces) |
11 weeks | 1.61 inch | 0.25 ounce |
12 weeks | 2.13 inches | 0.49 ounce |
13 weeks | 2.91 inches | 0.81 ounce |
14 weeks | 3.42 inches | 1.52 ounce |
On other notes, I did have what I think was round ligament pain in both sides of my abdomen when I got out of bed suddenly, and my leukorrhea has dissipated.
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary, St. Gerard and St. Samuel, please pray that the baby will be kept safe and born safely!
Baby Movement----at 13 weeks!
Today is Friday, July 22, 2016. Baby is 13 weeks, 1 day old! I was lying down with Lelan and Elora on her blankets in the living room. She was diving into my boobs, biting my side like she was a mini zombie, and laughing at Lelan because she realized it was funny! Then I felt the baby moving---like popcorn popping, or a little fish flipping around. Lelan was even able to see my skin moving, and feel the baby with his hand!! This was such a huge comfort from the Lord, because I am constantly wondering if the baby is ok. I was lying down with Lelan and Elora on her blankets in the living room. She was diving into my boobs, biting my side like she was a mini zombie, and laughing at Lelan because she realized it was funny! Then I felt the baby moving---like popcorn popping, or a little fish flipping around. Lelan was even able to see my skin moving, and feel the baby with his hand!! This was such a huge comfort from the Lord, because I am constantly wondering if the baby is ok.
13 weeks! 2nd Trimester, Here We Come!!
Today is Thursday, July 21st, 2016.
Baby is about 13 weeks (11 weeks from conception) "old"! Baby weights about 1 ounce, and his/her crown to rump length is about 3 inches.
Several times a day I feel like I can feel him or her move!!
I have pictures of her at home, but I haven't uploaded them yet. However, here are other 13 week-old cutie's pictures I found on Google:

Here are my prayers for today, Lord Jesus:
---that we do not lose this baby. Ryan touched my heart last evening as we lay in bed with Elora. He was on one side, rubbing her back, and I was on the other, nursing her. This is her favorite thing in the world. Ryan said to me softly, with his big soulful eyes, "I want them to do that cerclage. I hope they do it next week. I want this baby."
---that this baby will grow strong and be born safely as Elora was. That this baby, Elora, Lelan, and all our other children will be champions of the faith in this world, and fight evolution.
---Mama Mary, St. Samuel, St. Gerard, and Padre Pio, pray for us! Please pray for these petitions.
Baby is about 13 weeks (11 weeks from conception) "old"! Baby weights about 1 ounce, and his/her crown to rump length is about 3 inches.
Several times a day I feel like I can feel him or her move!!
I have pictures of her at home, but I haven't uploaded them yet. However, here are other 13 week-old cutie's pictures I found on Google:

Here are my prayers for today, Lord Jesus:
---that we do not lose this baby. Ryan touched my heart last evening as we lay in bed with Elora. He was on one side, rubbing her back, and I was on the other, nursing her. This is her favorite thing in the world. Ryan said to me softly, with his big soulful eyes, "I want them to do that cerclage. I hope they do it next week. I want this baby."
---that this baby will grow strong and be born safely as Elora was. That this baby, Elora, Lelan, and all our other children will be champions of the faith in this world, and fight evolution.
---Mama Mary, St. Samuel, St. Gerard, and Padre Pio, pray for us! Please pray for these petitions.
Surprise! I have been pregnant a lot longer than I thought.
Today is Tuesday, July 19, 2016.
[ 2:30 pm: Wow---I just found $186.00 I had stuffed in a drawer, that Grandma Phyllis had given Ryan and I for our first Christmas! Thank you Lord Jesus and Mama Mary! Thanks also to Lee...he wanted to paint on a shirt with my fabric paint, and I would not have been digging in that drawer otherwise!]
Lee, Elora and I went to Mom and Pop's at 9:30. We took mom's car because mine has a thin tire I have not fixed yet. My appointment was at 11:30, in suite 130, Dr. Wolfe's office. He was not there because he was on vacation.
They went straight to the ultrasound because my hCG had been so high (198,000). I thought my last period had started on 6/4/16, which would have made baby 6 weeks, 3 days old from that date (you know, the way they measure). However, I was shocked when the nurse put the wand to my abdomen and a very developed, actively moving baby with long arms and legs sprang into view! The baby was sized at being about 12 weeks, 5 days old!!! We even got to see the sweet little face and got pictures! I told the nurse I wished my mom could see it, so she went to get her (the nurse's name was Diana).
Lee was not very interested. He is making a mini Biology observations journal on wasps, and he had many comments about that. He even asked when the doctor came in, "Mom, does he know anything about wasps?".:)
My next appointment is next Tuesday at 2:30 pm. With Elora, I believe the cerclage was done when her "age" was 12 weeks 2 days. If Dr. Wolfe had been there today, he probably would have done it today or tomorrow. I now have to wait until next week. Thankfully, my cervix is long and looks good at this point. However, I do have a pretty big cyst (about 8 cm) on my left ovary.
Dear St. Gerard, Mama Mary, and my dear baby St. Samuel, please pray:
-----the cyst goes away on its own, and causes no damage to my ovary, or danger to the baby.
-----the baby will be upheld in perfect health, grow strong, and be kept safe until birth and beyond
-----that my cervix will hold up, and Dr. Wolfe will get the cerclage done.
-----thank you Lord Jesus that we have another beautiful babe!!!
Here are the approximate statistics for babies of this size:
12 weeks: 2.13 inches 0.49 ounce 5.4 cm 14 grams
13 weeks: 2.91 inches 0.81 ounce 7.4 cm 23 grams
[ 2:30 pm: Wow---I just found $186.00 I had stuffed in a drawer, that Grandma Phyllis had given Ryan and I for our first Christmas! Thank you Lord Jesus and Mama Mary! Thanks also to Lee...he wanted to paint on a shirt with my fabric paint, and I would not have been digging in that drawer otherwise!]
Lee, Elora and I went to Mom and Pop's at 9:30. We took mom's car because mine has a thin tire I have not fixed yet. My appointment was at 11:30, in suite 130, Dr. Wolfe's office. He was not there because he was on vacation.
They went straight to the ultrasound because my hCG had been so high (198,000). I thought my last period had started on 6/4/16, which would have made baby 6 weeks, 3 days old from that date (you know, the way they measure). However, I was shocked when the nurse put the wand to my abdomen and a very developed, actively moving baby with long arms and legs sprang into view! The baby was sized at being about 12 weeks, 5 days old!!! We even got to see the sweet little face and got pictures! I told the nurse I wished my mom could see it, so she went to get her (the nurse's name was Diana).
Lee was not very interested. He is making a mini Biology observations journal on wasps, and he had many comments about that. He even asked when the doctor came in, "Mom, does he know anything about wasps?".:)
My next appointment is next Tuesday at 2:30 pm. With Elora, I believe the cerclage was done when her "age" was 12 weeks 2 days. If Dr. Wolfe had been there today, he probably would have done it today or tomorrow. I now have to wait until next week. Thankfully, my cervix is long and looks good at this point. However, I do have a pretty big cyst (about 8 cm) on my left ovary.
Dear St. Gerard, Mama Mary, and my dear baby St. Samuel, please pray:
-----the cyst goes away on its own, and causes no damage to my ovary, or danger to the baby.
-----the baby will be upheld in perfect health, grow strong, and be kept safe until birth and beyond
-----that my cervix will hold up, and Dr. Wolfe will get the cerclage done.
-----thank you Lord Jesus that we have another beautiful babe!!!
Here are the approximate statistics for babies of this size:
12 weeks: 2.13 inches 0.49 ounce 5.4 cm 14 grams
13 weeks: 2.91 inches 0.81 ounce 7.4 cm 23 grams
A New Baby
Today is Thursday, July 14th, 2016. It is Lydia's Feast Day...St. Kateri!
Also, I am completely unsure how old the baby is!
The nurse from my doctor called me back yesterday and said my hCG level was 198,000, "pretty high", she said. Then the scheduling department immediately called an scheduled me for the first ultrasound on Tuesday, at 11 am.
There are several possibilities is that I may be further along than I thought. But there are others.
I am wondering...could the Lord be blessing us with twins?
Here is a chart from
Also, I am completely unsure how old the baby is!
The nurse from my doctor called me back yesterday and said my hCG level was 198,000, "pretty high", she said. Then the scheduling department immediately called an scheduled me for the first ultrasound on Tuesday, at 11 am.
There are several possibilities is that I may be further along than I thought. But there are others.
I am wondering...could the Lord be blessing us with twins?
Here is a chart from
HCG Levels in Single and Twin Pregnancy
| ||
Days from LMP*
HCG Range** for Singleton Pregnancy
HCG Range for Multiple Pregnancy
*LMP is the date of the start of the last menstrual period. **HCG is measured in mIU/mL |
As the chart illustrates, HCG measurements are quite inflated when a multiple pregnancy is present. However, they are not considered a completely reliable indicator of twins or more. In most cases, a high HCG reading will only prompt further investigation.
Finding Joy in Today
Today is Monday, July 18, 2016.
It has been 10 days since I found out we were expecting again. I have learned some useful methods for hiding a big baby bump in different types of clothing. Tomorrow is our first ultrasound.
Lord Jesus please hear and answer my prayers:
-----for another healthy baby/babies to be carried until born safely, and not a molar pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cyst.
-----that our insurance will cover the majority of the expenses.
-----for Lelan to have a wonderful childhood and receive as many graces as I did (and many of the same graces).
-----to help me hide my pregnancy from coworkers until the right time. For everything to be ok with work.
-----for us to know how and when to tell Ryan's family.
It has been 10 days since I found out we were expecting again. I have learned some useful methods for hiding a big baby bump in different types of clothing. Tomorrow is our first ultrasound.
Lord Jesus please hear and answer my prayers:
-----for another healthy baby/babies to be carried until born safely, and not a molar pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cyst.
-----that our insurance will cover the majority of the expenses.
-----for Lelan to have a wonderful childhood and receive as many graces as I did (and many of the same graces).
-----to help me hide my pregnancy from coworkers until the right time. For everything to be ok with work.
-----for us to know how and when to tell Ryan's family.
Preparing For My Third Year of Teaching Kids
Today is Saturday, July 16th, 2016. It is 1 month until our 2nd Anniversary. Elora will be 8 months old in one week. Lelan will be 10 in about 3 months. God knows how old the new baby is. I am anxious for the ultrasound on Tuesday. Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother...please not a molar or an ectopic pregnancy. Only a healthy baby/babies.
Grandpa Bill's Birthday is tomorrow. He is 87, or 89. We are going out to see him. It is also Ryan's cousin Rylan's birthday.
I am getting a lot done. I am still researching things for my four 6-9 grade classes.
Some topics are:
-----physical geology/geography
...and more.
It is hard to work with Elora! She wants to suck up all my time, and I gladly allow her :) Thankfully right now she is playing with her musical red fox.
Lee and Ryan are at Dart Warz. Today we went to the gun show. We are going to Mass tonight.
After the appointment I will need to find out how to disguise my baby bump somehow. I don't want the kids at school getting all excited and making Becky worry about things.
Grandpa Bill's Birthday is tomorrow. He is 87, or 89. We are going out to see him. It is also Ryan's cousin Rylan's birthday.
I am getting a lot done. I am still researching things for my four 6-9 grade classes.
Some topics are:
-----physical geology/geography
...and more.
It is hard to work with Elora! She wants to suck up all my time, and I gladly allow her :) Thankfully right now she is playing with her musical red fox.
Lee and Ryan are at Dart Warz. Today we went to the gun show. We are going to Mass tonight.
After the appointment I will need to find out how to disguise my baby bump somehow. I don't want the kids at school getting all excited and making Becky worry about things.
Ryan and I have a secret...

...and a little miracle to share (soon). We have another baby.
Today is Wed the 13th of July, 2016. I went to the Via Christi clinic at 135th and 21st yesterday to get my hcg (human chorionic gonadotrophin) level checked. Once it's at 5,000 they will schedule an ultrasound. I am waiting for the doctor to call today.
I couldn't believe it. I went to Dollar General last Friday to get a couple of their dollar tests, but I did not expect this. I told Ryan on Sunday. He took us to Hardee's and ordered the biggest burger on the menu, "The Heartstopper" as he called it. :) But he is excited. If it is a baby boy he will be Zebedee for sure! Maybe Zebedee Simon Francis. If a girl, we don't know yet.
I was afraid to tell Ryan at first. We love kids and want them but have to keep an eye on space. But Lee's reaction was golden: "Mama, I'm really happy you're pregnant. You can have as many babies as you want". What a wonderful son I have.
As with Elora, we are fervently praying, and asking Sam's prayers, that this tiny little baby God has given us (3-5 mm!!!) will reach full and vibrant growth in my womb, and will be born safely to us. O Lord, thank you for this baby.
I don't know how far along I am for sure. I had what may have been a period from June 4-18 (while we were at Silver Dollar City). But I chalked it up to increased estrogen during breastfeeding causing a deposition of blood. It was mostly spotting each day, and was brown or pink, not the bright red flow I have always had during a period. If it was a period, then baby may be about 25 days old (or about Carnegie Stage 12). Already our baby is so complex. The organs are growing, and the limb buds may be also. Sweet baby.
Right now I am working on getting prepped for a full-time course load this Fall. I will be teaching 6,7,8,9 grade science. Jim Schmidt is teaching Chemistry again. I am excited to have a freezer that Amy Henry is giving me to keep dissection specimens in. I am also blessed that Becky is building a sink for me to "wash turtles in" :) Lisa Segard and I may be trading classrooms for this reason.
I worked 8:30-11:30 today at SSEC. I am going soon to nurse Elora at mom and Pop's before I go to a Northfield faculty meeting at 1 pm. Lee is at Totus Tuus.
Thank you Lord for all the blessings you give us.
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